Sisconare is the online digital platform used by CONARE to register and manage refugee status claims in Brazil.

Versión en español

Implementation Dates: March 2019 – present 

General Description:  

The National Committee for Refugees System (Sisconare) is the online digital platform used by Conare to register and process applications for asylum in Brazil. The system is used by Conare and the Federal Police and allows the applicant to register their information, receive notifications, monitor the progress of their application and update their personal data. 

The system is proving to be extremely useful for the re-registration/validation of existing asylum applications (currently 134,000 applications). Those who have already applied for asylum have to re-register their application in the system when renewing their provisional documentation as applicants (known as the Refugee Protocol). This system will reduce the backlog of pending cases and the time taken for procedural steps such as scheduling interviews, drafting legal assessments, notifications, etc. 

The Registration module was implemented with Conare and the Federal Police (PF) in September 2019, while other modules are still being developed. Sisconare is the management tool for both the registration process and the decision to grant asylum. 

What is the registration process required for Sisconare? 

To access the system for the first time, applicants must have a valid e-mail address and provide some basic information. The system sends them an email through which they generate their password. 

  1. Once they have their password, applicants can self-register online directly through Sisconare by completing a 13-page pre-registration form in Portuguese, which is accessed through a website. 
  2.  Once they have self-registered, the asylum seeker must make an appointment with the Federal Police to validate their information and provide biometric data and a photo. If they are at a border entry point or a interiorization and triage post (PITRIG) they can submit their application immediately. 
  3.  The Federal Police verify the information in Sisconare using the applicant’s processing number, review the data provided and takes the applicant’s photograph and fingerprints. Once this has been validated, the Refugee Protocol is issued with its corresponding number. 
  4.  In addition, there is the possibility of obtaining the DPRNM (Provisional Document of the National Registry of Migration) from the Federal Police,. This document complements the Refugee Protocol and facilitates improved access to basic rights for the asylum applicant as this form of identification has increased acceptance from society. 
  5.  The case then goes through the process of interview, legal evaluation, decision, notification and appeal. 


  • The pilot phase of the Sisconare system was launched on 1 March 2019. 
  • On November 4 of that year, and through Normative Resolution No.29 of June 14, 2019, Conare-Brazil adopted the Sisconare system for processing asylum applications. 
  • On September 15, 2019, Sisconare became the exclusive mechanism for applying for asylum in Brazil.  
  • Recently, the Ministry of Justice and Public Security produced informative videos on how to access the platform for the first time, how to apply for asylum, how to re-register and renew the Protocol and how to include family members in the application. The videos are available at this link. 
  • At the beginning of 2021, the integration between Sisconare and Sismigra, the Federal Police system that generates the Provisional Document of the National Migration Registry (DPRNM), was completed. The DPRNM was established by Decree No. 9,277, of February 5, 2018. As a result of the integration between the systems, the DPRNM document began to be issued on a large scale across the country. The DPRNM is available for asylum applicants who wish to obtain a Provisional Document during the processing of their application by the National Refugee Committee (Conare). 

Results / Impact:  

  • Sisconare facilitates faster processing of applications for asylum, reduces backlogs and optimizes different stages of the procedure. The use of the platform has advantages in terms of efficiency and information security. 
  • For applicants, this means that they now have access to a faster and easier way to formalize their asylum application and can also access information regarding the status of their application, providing increased transparency for the process. In addition, this implies more dignified treatment for applicants by avoiding long queues at the relevant government agencies. Sisconare is a more flexible tool for keeping applicants’’ data updated and helps with processing different requirements such as requests for family reunification. It also provides applicants with a faster and simpler process. 
  • Sisconare assists with the prima facie recognition procedure for Venezuelan applicants (See Good Practice) by enabling the extraction of data based on specific criteria. 
  • The issuing of the interim DPRNM cards is extremely important as it improves the effective access to basic fundamental rights for asylum-seekers.
  • The good practice of conducting eligibility interviews remotely using the Microsoft Teams application ensured the continuation of application processes that were pending and reached asylum seekers residing across the Brazilian territory, minimizing difficulties with accessing this interview. In addition to guaranteeing the principle of due process, this measure helped reach hundreds of asylum seekers who were waiting for their interview so that their process could be analyzed by Conare. 

Challenges / factors that made implementation possible:  

  • The lack of digital literacy among applicants and difficulties in some regions of finding available partners to support them in the self-registration process posed an additional challenge. 


National Refugee Committee / Federal Police 

Lessons learned:  

  • Having a tool that allows for applications to self-register increases participation in the asylum process.  
  • It is essential to have a tool that can collect biometric information. 
  • The case management system provides transparency and agility during the asylum application process. 

Impact of the COVID pandemic on implementation: 

  • The pandemic had no impact on implementation. It did highlight the importance of having a tool so that applicants could self-register. 

Use of the Asylum Capacity Support Group mechanism: 


Additional information: 


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